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Schedule of Events


Friday, October 13 | 7:30 pm

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
In Trembling Shadow

Join soprano Sarah Jackson, lutenist Thomas Walker, Jr., and gambist Mary Burke is a candlelit evening of songs from the Elizabethan world.

Saturday, October 14 | 3:00 pm

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Traverso & Harpsichord

Traversist Immanuel Davis & harpsichordist Donald Livingston deliver a bouquet of French and French-inspired masterworks, including Leclair's Sonata in G, Bach's French Suite V in G major, and the uncompromising Bach Sonata for Traverso and Obbligato Harpsichord, BWV 1030.

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Saturday, October 14 | 7:30 pm

Olivet Congregational Church
Lawes & Order
Chaos & Confluence in Consort Music from England & the Continent

Erica Rubis & Margaret Humphrey, treble viols
Maryne Mossey, tenor viol
Julie Elhard & Rebecca Humphrey, bass viols
Donald Livingston , organ

Sunday, October 15 | 3:00 pm

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
l'Arte di Suonare
Virtuosic Music of 17th Century Italy

Instrumentalists Clea Galhano (recorder), Donald Livingston (harpsichord), and Joseph Jones (dulcian) uncover the beginnings of the Stylus Fantasticus in 17th century Italy, with works by de Selma, Strozzi, Castello, and more.

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Sunday, October 15 | 5:00 pm

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Connecting Dots
Music of Machaut & Dufay

Isorhythm is a compositional technique characterized by the extension of the rhythmic texture (talea) of an initial section to the entire composition, despite the variation of corresponding melodic features (color). The first great master of the isorhythmic motet was Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300–77), followed a century later by the other Great Guillaume, Dufay (c. 1400-74) of Burgundy.


Gregorian Singers is joined by instrumentalists Ginna Watson, Bruce Jacobs, and Julie Elhard under the direction of Monte Mason.

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